
My name is Zhiwan (z-one), a rabbit with a color obsession. A Netherland Dwarf rabbit to be precise. When not frolicking with other like-minded rabbits, I has been known to participate in what one might call artistic endeavors. I’ve been labled a color-field AbEx at heart. But for reals, I have an unhealthy obsession with found objects, color, time-based art, and sometimes relational aesthetics.

I'm a Wordpress and Magento specialist. I code using a combination of Sublime Text, Codekit, Vagrant, and Chrome. SASS > LESS. Code is backed up using Git and deployed using Capistrano. If possible, I will run sites on an nginx server. I AM NOT A COWBOY CODER.

If any of this piques your interests, feel free to send me a message. Something creatively awesome might happen.

Visit West Hollywood

The mission of the West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau is to market the City of West Hollywood as a “first choice” visitor destination to business and leisure travelers by promoting an awareness of the City’s unique location, image, businesses and industries and by providing requested support for the City’s economic development efforts. Acting as a hub for anyone interested in visiting the center of the entertainment world, West Hollywood quickly became one of the largest and most complex WordPress sites I’ve worked on. I discovered how to use APIs for weather, hotel listings, Yelp information, Flickr, and Google maps to populate the site. Widgets for ads needed to be created and numerous custom queries had to be written to satisfy the requirements of the client. But most importantly, I learned how to plan and execute a site of such enormous scope from start to finish.




Socialize me.