
My name is Zhiwan (z-one), a rabbit with a color obsession. A Netherland Dwarf rabbit to be precise. When not frolicking with other like-minded rabbits, I has been known to participate in what one might call artistic endeavors. I’ve been labled a color-field AbEx at heart. But for reals, I have an unhealthy obsession with found objects, color, time-based art, and sometimes relational aesthetics.

I'm a Wordpress and Magento specialist. I code using a combination of Sublime Text, Codekit, Vagrant, and Chrome. SASS > LESS. Code is backed up using Git and deployed using Capistrano. If possible, I will run sites on an nginx server. I AM NOT A COWBOY CODER.

If any of this piques your interests, feel free to send me a message. Something creatively awesome might happen.

The Book Nook

The Book Nook is the creation of Jay McGraw, son of Dr. Phil. The site is dedicated to creating a quick and easy online book-buying experience, as well as promoting the Dr. Phil line of health books. I was brought onto the project to oversee the front-end development using Magento and coordinating with a large team of designers and software engineers. I shed my “Cowboy Coding” ways and learned the value of version control through Git. git pull/git add ./git commit/git push are now part of my everyday workflow.



Socialize me.